Common mistakes in English

Ces dernières années, nous avons corrigé des millions de mots dans les textes qui nous ont été soumis. Nous vous proposons une liste des erreurs courantes que nous avons rencontrées. La liste est établie en fonction de la fréquence à laquelle nous avons dû corriger l’expression. Pour des questions de confidentialité, toutes les corrections ne sont pas répertoriées dans cette liste.

Position Avant Après
#201 Looking I look
#202 which and
#203 problem problems
#204 for about
#205 out our
#206 have having
#207 receive received
#208 with by
#209 about of
#210 will be is
#211 with for
#212 with of
#213 at to
#214 relationship relationships
#215 work works
#216 meeting meetings
#217 into to
#218 call called
#219 from by
#220 7 seven
#221 and with
#222 work worked
#223 8 eight
#224 this that
#225 apart a part
#226 what that
#227 setup set up
#228 business businesses
#229 with on
#230 start started
#231 thing things
#232 help helped
#233 product products
#234 don’t doesn’t
#235 not no
#236 in and
#237 get got
#238 I I'd
#239 full time full-time
#240 do did
#241 that that's
#242 type types
#243 from for
#244 where when
#245 our the
#246 are have
#247 they the
#248 member members
#249 it they
#250 from in

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