Common mistakes in English

Ces dernières années, nous avons corrigé des millions de mots dans les textes qui nous ont été soumis. Nous vous proposons une liste des erreurs courantes que nous avons rencontrées. La liste est établie en fonction de la fréquence à laquelle nous avons dû corriger l’expression. Pour des questions de confidentialité, toutes les corrections ne sont pas répertoriées dans cette liste.

Position Avant Après
#151 is has been
#152 were are
#153 follow up follow-up
#154 thru through
#155 other another
#156 till until
#157 and we We
#158 an the
#159 towards toward
#160 work working
#161 change changed
#162 and I
#163 for with
#164 and as well as
#165 were where
#166 that and
#167 mention mentioned
#168 these this
#169 no not
#170 cant can't
#171 received receive
#172 service services
#173 schedule scheduled
#174 can will
#175 long term long-term
#176 month months
#177 like such as
#178 customer customers
#179 their there
#180 skill skills
#181 Pls Please
#182 like as
#183 health care healthcare
#184 on with
#185 per cent percent
#186 but and
#187 gonna going to
#188 request requests
#189 help helps
#190 does do
#191 of with
#192 for from
#193 wanna want to
#194 got have
#195 task tasks
#196 sent send
#197 other others
#198 its their
#199 the its
#200 which and

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