Common mistakes in English

Ces dernières années, nous avons corrigé des millions de mots dans les textes qui nous ont été soumis. Nous vous proposons une liste des erreurs courantes que nous avons rencontrées. La liste est établie en fonction de la fréquence à laquelle nous avons dû corriger l’expression. Pour des questions de confidentialité, toutes les corrections ne sont pas répertoriées dans cette liste.

Position Avant Après
#1 the a
#2 is are
#3 a an
#4 in on
#5 on in
#6 will would
#7 is was
#8 a the
#9 that who
#10 was were
#11 have has
#12 are is
#13 its it's
#14 & and
#15 to for
#16 has have
#17 you your
#18 can could
#19 for to
#20 2 two
#21 of for
#22 your you're
#23 Im I'm
#24 this these
#25 there their
#26 that which
#27 in at
#28 would will
#29 which that
#30 Hope I hope
#31 ok okay
#32 need needs
#33 3 three
#34 to too
#35 have had
#36 are were
#37 in into
#38 and to
#39 an a
#40 e-mail email
#41 to with
#42 of in
#43 it them
#44 at in
#45 it this
#46 if whether
#47 could can
#48 wanted want
#49 send sent
#50 in to

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