Common mistakes in English

Ces dernières années, nous avons corrigé des millions de mots dans les textes qui nous ont été soumis. Nous vous proposons une liste des erreurs courantes que nous avons rencontrées. La liste est établie en fonction de la fréquence à laquelle nous avons dû corriger l’expression. Pour des questions de confidentialité, toutes les corrections ne sont pas répertoriées dans cette liste.

Position Avant Après
#101 form from
#102 and an
#103 that it
#104 of from
#105 with in
#106 to into
#107 your you
#108 my the
#109 make makes
#110 too to
#111 in to into
#112 that this
#113 you you're
#114 time times
#115 the they
#116 where were
#117 of about
#118 the your
#119 has been was
#120 want wanted
#121 life lives
#122 Can Would
#123 do does
#124 or and
#125 works work
#126 for on
#127 and the The
#128 regards regard
#129 Just I just
#130 an and
#131 good well
#132 issue issues
#133 want wants
#134 needs need
#135 from of
#136 your the
#137 student students
#138 to the
#139 had has
#140 and so
#141 I I'm
#142 than then
#143 this it
#144 it it's
#145 cost costs
#146 it that
#147 the my
#148 to at
#149 into in
#150 is has been

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