DuringIn 1918, the Spanish flu arrived at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, and within a few days, thousands of people had it. After the flu arrived in the Philadelphia Navy Yard, the town leaders decided they were still going to have a liberty loan parade, which prompted a huge outbreak in the city.
The Spanish flu outbreak and the Covid-19 outbreak are very similar pandemics. Both viruses acted very quickly and took the lives of thousands of people. The same preventive measures took place during both pandemics (Quarantine(quarantine, self-isolation, disinfectants, maintaining personal hygiene, and a ban on social gatherings). The symptoms of both viruses were similar,; people complained they had a fever that lasted for days, fatigue, and chills. While there are many similarities, there are also many differences, such as the fact that people couldn't get tested for the Spanish flu, and the field of medicine was not advanced enough to develop vaccines to treat the virus.
In Conclusion, the Covid-19 and Spanish flu are often compared because they are known as the deadliest
pandemicpandemics the world has dealt with.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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