Hey Keira, first
off, thank you so much for agreeing to help me with my interview assignment for class,; I greatly appreciate it. If possible, I would like to schedule a brief interview with you, the. The assignment is to find a professional in an aspect of the sport businesssports industry in which you are interested in, and ask them a few questions about thatthe business aspect of the industry. For me, I am a very analytical person, and I love sports, so I think you will be the perfect person for me to interview for this assignment. The assignment is not due until March 18,; however, I will be in Italy from March 4 to March 13, and I can’t guarantee that I will have the cellular capabilities to complete the interview while in Italy. That being said, I could definitely block out some time to complete the interview with you on whichever day of the following that would work best for you - today, tomorrow, Monday, March 14, Tuesday, March 15, Wednesday, March 16, Thursday, March 17, or Friday, March 18. If you have a particular day and time out of those that works best for you, let me know when that would be, and I will make it work as long as it doesn’t conflict with my class schedule.

Ben Rives

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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