Do you feel like you often play a role or are you able to be your real self always?
I’m talking about a role which you create to pretend to be different than who you really are. Maybe because you are scared
to bethat you will not be accepted or you want to protect yourself, or gain validation, and envy.
I think I am a little bit of both.
Probably it isIt is probably impossible to be outwardly authentic 100% of the time. Life is a dance of duality: light/dark, pleasant/unpleasant, work/play, think/feel, truth/lies. Some situations in life really require us to wear a mask. With some people (not the closest ones), I have to play a role as well, but I amhave been feeling more and more myself in the last years. Living life scared to be yourself is not a healthy way of living.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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