Common mistakes in English

Ces dernières années, nous avons corrigé des millions de mots dans les textes qui nous ont été soumis. Nous vous proposons une liste des erreurs courantes que nous avons rencontrées. La liste est établie en fonction de la fréquence à laquelle nous avons dû corriger l’expression. Pour des questions de confidentialité, toutes les corrections ne sont pas répertoriées dans cette liste.

Position Avant Après
#451 replay reply
#452 not able unable
#453 I have I
#454 having have
#455 myself me
#456 is in
#457 hour hours
#458 I’ve I
#459 look looking
#460 will can
#461 with about
#462 experiences experience
#463 of at
#464 its the
#465 would could
#466 been being
#467 as well as and
#468 week week's
#469 Ive I've
#470 and which
#471 seen saw
#472 solution solutions
#473 would be is
#474 though thought
#475 l I
#476 team teams
#477 by through
#478 look looks
#479 on in the
#480 group groups
#481 so and
#482 meet meeting
#483 has was
#484 me I
#485 advise advice
#486 Is It is
#487 start starts
#488 they there
#489 was has been
#490 part time part-time
#491 will be are
#492 at from
#493 used use
#494 Let Let's
#495 nothing anything
#496 any a
#497 of the
#498 finish finished
#499 some a
#500 Anyways Anyway

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