grade 7 SP-ICT applicants, together with their parents, arewere in Sto. Rosario National high school foHigh School for their registration period, which laststarted on May 26, 2022, and will come back inon July 22, 2022, for their the admission tesrlttest, the interview, and the skills test. The Special Program in informationInformation and Communication Technology (SP-ICT) is an initiative program of the Division of Nueva Ecija for Junior High School studentjunior high school students with talents and skills in Informationinformation and Communication Technologycommunication technology (ICT) . The Programprogram requires at least 85a general average of at least 85, no grade lower than 80 in all subjectsany subject, and an Accomplished Registration Form.

Selected Teachers Fromselected teachers from Sto. Rosario National High School are assigned in conductingto conduct the said program. Many Parentsparents and students came to Sto. Rosario National High school formSchool from 8:00 a.m. -to 5:00 p.m. inwith the afternoon to register their children with thenecessary corresponding requirements neededto register their children. All students applying for the SP- ICT Program are required to pass the Admissionadmission test, Interviewthe interview, and Skills Test inthe skills test on July 22, 2022. The passers of the test areThose who pass will be officially enrolled for School Yearthe 2022-2023 school year under the Special Program Forfor Information and Communication Technology (SP-ICT).

To those parents and students that will be coming to the school, please follow the health protocols instated by the local government. Following
the health protocols is a must.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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