Evidence #1 In “The Monsters areAre Due on Maple Street” how their instincts affect their ability to survive is on page 24 where Mr.Goodman tries warning the maple streetMaple Street residents “And you don’t even know what you're starting because let me tell you … let me tell you this thing you’re starting that should frighten you .” The residents didn’t decide to listen to Mr.Goodman and kept accusing otherothers of following their’s and other choices, blindly blaming each other without any thought . In “If Cornered, Scream,” how the main character affects her ability to survive is on page 2 , where the story says : “She pulled into the station at a pump and rolled down the window as Garbriel walked to the car.” The nurse ended up surviving as if she had never pulled up to the gas station then her car would’ve broken down and died .

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