I’amWe are the parents of Adil Jabri, who is in your 11th grade11th-grade class. Ed has been enjoying and doing excellent job in school. weWe are very happy with his accomplishment.accomplishments, and Wewe hope he continues to do sowell throughout the rest of the school year.
The WCASD has offeredturned my kids, (2 alumni) bothinto bright young adults who are doing great in their careers. Thank you forfrom the bottom of my heart!
We are proud
Parentsparents of the WCASD school district. To us, the WCASD has promoted many values over the years such as diversity, inclusion, equality, and acceptance of others. However, it brings sadness to our homes as a Muslim community when we stand before our children, every year, speechless and not able to even justify the fact that the WCASD has not yet recognized any Islamic holiday as a part of the academic calendar.
SchoolsThe schools are closed to allow the children to celebrate their culture and traditions.
We are excited that our children are experiencing different cultures
, but we failhave again failed to explain to them again why the WCASD has yet to promote any of our Islamic Holidaysholidays.
For many years
, we as parents, as well as our children, have had to make the difficult choice between missingof whether or not to miss out on an academic day to be able to celebrate the holiday. This puts them behind academically, and also affects them mentally.
Sir/Madam, I am speaking to you as a parent, a community member, and
a human to please consider our Eid (Islamic holiday) as a part of the academic calendar. Please give us a chance to prove to our children that promoting diversity, inclusion, and equality does not exclude the Muslim community.
We are asking you to give our children the chance to celebrate a very important religious holiday without worrying about missing a full academic day.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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