Hi! Just would like to inform you that yesterday I became a witness of a dog’s aggressive behavior in my and my neighbor’s direction. Yesterday, at about 6 pm, right at the entrance of our 180 building, I met one of our residents (I guess she lives on a second floor.) who was with a pit-bullpitbull breed of a dog. Suddenly that dog started very aggressively barking at me and began to wrestle out of her hands, almost slipping out. I immediately stopped and stepped back. I really was scared. The owner decided to go back into the building where we faced our neighbor - and this dog began the same aggressivelyaggressive barking, and it scared her too.

This is not the first time when I notice some unusual behavior of this dog, but for thisit was the first time I personally was involved in such a stressful situation. This breed of dog is potentially very dangerous because they have a fighting disposition and very aggressive behavior, and it is unsafe to keep it in our building where live with so many kids.
I am kindly asking you to take measures on that problem before this dog bites somebody. I understand this could be complicated to issue any kind of animal restrictions, but it is possible to make owners have a mouth cover on their animals while they are in public areas of the community, especially on this breed of dog. 


The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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