We are
very excited to launchinglaunch the Digital Studio.
The goal of the
digital studioDigital Studio is to turn the know-how of Playtika in major business domains to digital products–products - empowered by AI. In fact, in many ways, we are going to be the “product company”(B2B) whose job is to enable efficiency and automation, continuous improvement in relevance and time to market and to create through our products a new value for Playtika (and in the future, even beyond that…).
Our first workshop will take place next Thursday. We will design
our goals, our language and especially establishment of a ONE TEAM.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Gadi, Maya, Roy and Gilad

In light of the importance of the workshop, if any of you have a personal problem that day, please let us know.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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