There is a big difference between messages and communications, but according to my personal opinion, messages are much better than communications, and in this report I will compare messages and communications.

I will be neutral in writing this report and I will not stand by my personal opinion. I see that the
communicationcommunications may be at an inappropriate time, unlike the messages you see at a time that suits you, but the communication communicates the topic in the appropriate tone, butwhereas the message may arrive with a different feeling than the real one, and. And messages may outperform Regardingregarding communications as being less expensive, the letter is in halala, meaning that one hundred letters of the riyal is the opposite of that every minute is a riyal, meaning that it can be five letters of the riyal or 300 letters of the riyal.

But also before I
gaingive you an opinion, you should know that in many cases, such as emergencies and necessity, the communication is better because the messages arrive late, but the communication arrives on time arrives, and the messages always excel because they are not used to express the completion of an order, and a last matter. And finally, communication to explain is betteris better for explanation, especially in Ourour Arabic language so as not to misunderstand a word and to be more accurate.

I will now
separategive my personal opinion: because I am a person who does not like to be disturbed, I like messages because they are less annoying than the communication that always rings, and also because the messages become a memory for the person who interrupted us in his life,; this is my opinion and finally, thank you for yourfor reading.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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