I never thought you would further your
studystudies and leave home this year. I thought you willwould stay here and go to college for a year or two, and then go overseas. Indeed, God's thoughts are higher than ours. Time flies, and I realize that you are no longer teenagers, but are turning tointo adults. (Oh my God! Why is it so fast! )fast?!)
Letting go of our children is the most sacrificial way we can love them. Make no mistake, to hold on too tight and too long clips their wings and makes it harder for them to fly. To soar. Opening our hand's palms to the sky releases them to be who they're created to be, not necessarily who we want them to be.
(http :robindance . Me)
My son, be strong and courageous! Soar and

catch your vision!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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