To Whom It May Concern:

II am writing this letter to inform you of my situation, as it was suggested from the National Passport Information Center.

II received a letter from you asking to submit my most recent U.S. passport card to continue the process of my passport and passport card application. Since I live in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, I cross the border every weekday to work. Due to this situation, it is not possible to submit my passport card because isit is the only proof I have of my citizenship. You can cross the border even though the card is expired. This is the reason why I kept it.

II am attaching a copy of my passport card. In the case you are not able to process my passport card without it, is it possible to continue processing just the passport? This way I can wait for it to arrive and send a passport card application when I receive my passport.

I willI would appreciate your help with this situation.
you for your attention.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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