The author says that in today's world, there are still some families or groups of people living away from modern culture, called "people in isolation," and some experts believe that there are 100 tribes around the world and perhaps more. They usually live in forests and islands such as the Amazon rainforest, the Congo forest and the island of Guinea. Some countries like Brazil and India have prevented anyone from approaching them. Some organizations are helping people understand the difficulties they face, and government and citizens are protecting them to survive. I agree with the author's thoughts. I also read in an article about seclusion, which includes the Kailash tribe. This tribe lives in complete isolation from the world and can be distinguished by its red hair and blue eyes. Also, the "Kayapu tribe" lives in Mexico, and there are 44 small villages where members of the Kayapu tribe live. In my opinion, these tribes must be protected so that they do not become extinct. They must be kept in their areas, and their lives should not be interfered with, as this would have a negative impact on their lives and could lead to their deaths. We must protect them and not enter their territory.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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