Due to the growing number of social media users, social media platforms have become an integral part of people's lifelives. HootSuiteHootsuite and the marketing agency We Are Social have released a new report on global internet users, including in Indonesia, for early 2021. The report stated that 170 million people in Indonesia, or 61.8 percent of the entire population, have utilized social media. It has grown by 10 million or roughly 6.3% compared to January 2020 (We are socialAre Social, 2021). Furthermore, the Hootsuite report claims that 3.725 billion people are active on social media globally, representing 48% of the world's population of 7.734 billion populationbillion (Influencer Marketing Hub, 2021). With a growing number of users, social media has contributed to developingthe development of new advertising techniques such as influencer marketing (Childers, Lemon & Hoy, 2019).

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