Hard times happen to everyone. I believe that they happen for a reason. I have gone through a lot of hard times, but this year was the hardest. The hardest thing was the fear that something might happen to one of my loved ones. Not only me, but it’s also hard for me everyone. The people you have around matter during these times. They show their true colors. They could stick by you or let you down. Thankfully, the people in my life stood by me. Moral support helps even if they can’t do anything for me, being beside me is enough. Getting through hard times isn’t easy, it varies from one person to another. We all have different ways to cope. We could talk to someone, find a hobby, or do anything that takes our minds off our hardships. For me, I just think that this shall pass too; I can get through this just like I did before. I think of all of the things I was able to endure and overcome. I write down all of my feelings at the moment, looking back at them helps a lot. I think that I will be able to overcome whatever happens just like I did before. There is no guarantee that our lives will be fine because we need to keep going. theThe road is difficult, but that is how it is for everyone. Difficulties are just things to overcome, after all. Instead of makingletting misfortunes affect us, we should consider it as a challengethem challenges to overcome. Find your own way to deal with your problems and don’t be so hard on yourself. You can’t just reach where you want without making any effort. You need to accept the fact that it will take time for you to progress.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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