This world is filled with all sorts of cruelty, we are born in a time where a brother kills his brother forover a small land dispute, a son kills his father to over power his wealth, women are beaten and raped every day , terror attacks and protests takes life take the lives of the innocent, the smart phones hadphone has brought the world intoto your finger tipfingertips but you never had thathave the time to talk with your old parents at home. PandemicThe pandemic hits and kills millions didntand you don’t even get to say a final byegoodbye to your loved ones. In the midst of the pandemic corrupt politicianpoliticians and businessmen filledfill their homes with wealth and left leave the poor once to die on the streets. Yet today, when i I saw this, iI realized there is still hope, we can still unite together, love can beat any hatred.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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