This Letterletter is a formal resignation from the position of Administrative Assistant effective June 11, 2021.

Writing this comesI am writing this with a heavy heart, as I have sincerely enjoyed the 18 days spent at Sagicor Group Jamaica. I was hoping for guidance and mentorship so that I could have been more effective within thein my role, but nonetheless, I am grateful for the opportunity.
The time was cut short
, but the little experience I would have garnered is one that will aid me in my future endeavors.
I will greatly miss my teammates
, as I believedbelieve that we were bonding like we knewand it felt as if we'd known each other for years, which gave me a sense of belonging. The unique culture at Sagicor, I’m sure is the contributing factor to all teammate'steammates' personalities thatand would leavemake anybody feelingfeel welcomed.

I look forward to reconnecting in the near future
, and I wish you the entire Sagicor Group Jamaica Ltd. the very best going forward.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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