The study will include all descriptive and experimental articles in which the effect of chlorine and its compounds on ARGs in drinking water supply systems has been investigated . BookBooks, letterletters to editoreditors, Reviewreview articles (systematic reviews and meta-analysismeta-analyses, literature reviews), risk assessmentassessments, and modeling studies will be excluded. Inclusion/exclusion criteria are described in Table 1.
Data extraction will be done for all articles that have the necessary conditions; extracting relevant data from articles will facilitate data synthesis, interpretation, and presentation of results. The extracted data are raw, so they will be analyzed using relevant statistical tests.
In case of incomplete data, the authors of the article will be contacted; this way,
incompletecomplete data will be obtained.
Data on interventions and other
Potentialpotential effect modifiers will be identified from included articles and recorded. In this study, several factors may cause heterogeneity.

Study locations and laws related to restricting the use of antibiotics

- Type of
source of drinking water source (such as springs, wells, surface water, groundwater, and drinking water distribution networks)

Qualitative data synthesis will be done for
mediummedium-, highhigh-, and very high qualityhigh-quality articles. The results will be summarized in the table and figure, along withand will be accompanied by an interpretation and discussion. QuantitativeA quantitative data analysis will be done for those articles that meet the requirements for quantitative synthesis. ARGs and chlorine doses will be presented based on the mean and standard deviation. If the studies have sufficient and similar data, meta-analysis can be used to analyze the data. If heterogeneity exists, its source will be sought by met-regressionmeta-regression. A funnel plot may be used to check the publication bias.

Main question: What is the effect of chlorine disinfection on ARGs in drinking water supply systems?

Study quality will be assessed based on the questions designed and the AXIS tool.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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