Keeping my goals and my targets in my mind to achieve the best in my life, Curtin University Perth seemseems to be a good,an excellent and brilliant place for carrying and studying to carry my career ahead to itsa higher rank as doing a. A qualification at an international level will carry more weight and advantage causeadvantages because of the international relations gained during studies. Too many wordsAs for the thought of Liveliving in another country where they don’t speak themy native language and simultaneously balancebalancing school, adventure, and social life??life? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. ACCEPTED! Who doesn’t love a little challenge?. I know, for myself and other students, we don't always like challenges, but we're gonna take these challengeswe will accept them to become better in life. The personal benefits of studying abroad really are whatever I choose to make themthem to be. Want to learn a new language? Study it. if iIf I want to do something scary? learnLearn the native language and master it. Whatever path I choose, I will be challenged. But challenge = growth, which is arguably the best single word answer to why I wish to study abroad you can get. Studying international business management will expose me to experiences on a larger, global scale. iI will better understand various cultures, markets, and geographies. This degree will help youme see the larger picture when it comes to developing solutions for a future employer with global implications. In a nutshell, iI need to develop a global perspective in order to be successful in business. Studying international business allows me to see how globalization has brought about anthe increasing 'connectedness' of businesses, markets, people and information across countries. by this studyingPursuing studies in Australia will help me get those skills because of all the advantage whichadvantages that come with it.

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