An important invention - The automobilautomobile

The first practical usable automobile was built back in 1885 by Carl Friedrich Benz, a German engineer and automotive pioneer. He called his car the “Benz Patent-Motorwagen Nummer 1” and it was first driven in the city of Mannheim,
also in the summer of 1885.
This car’s engine, a valve-controlled single-cylinder engine, delivered an output of 0.67 hp and reached a top speed of 16 km/h.
the 29th of29 January 1886, Carl Friedrich Benz wrote industrial history by registering a patent for this vehicle by the Reich Patent Office.
But the story doesn’t end here.
TheFor the first months andfew years, his automobile was ridiculed as a “horse free“horse-free carriage” butyet, at the same time, some people believed that this car would have a future. So Carl Benz continued inventing new parts for the car and optimized it and, on the 1st of1 August 1888, he gotobtained the first driving licence worldwidein the world. A few days later, his wife Bertha took the first successful long-distance automobile drive in the “Benz Patent-Motorwagen Nummer 3.”
She drove
about 104 kms from Mannheim about 104 km to her hometownhometown in Pforzheim, where she arrived after nearly 13 hours of driving. The Bertha Benz Memorial Route still commemorates this journey today and so Bertha Benz became a pioneer in automotive history alongside her husband.

And now to the question of why I think this is an important invention:
ThisBenz's first automobile set a milestone in the history of motorized vehicles and also in the history of travelling. This was the first practical usable car and after this one many others followed, and many companies started producing cars in series so that also the normal people could also afford one. This first automobile served as an example for the following years of automotive history.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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