‏How do you care about your health?

To make your life healthy and long, you need to take care of your health and your body. Health is very important, and a person must protect it so that he is not attacked by many diseases and health ailments that may hinder him from carrying out the daily duties required of him. Because of the bad food habits that a person may follow, such as relying on fast food or not drinking enough water, to other bad habits, human health is exposed to many problems. To maintain your health, you must adhere to several things, for example, you must make monthly health checks, as well as adhere to healthy food and sports, as well as
knowknowing the daily habits that affect health.

You must go to the hospital regularly to have your blood and body tested. There is a need to conduct these tests periodically, and regularly, such as blood pressure checks, sugar, cholesterol, bone density
, and some types of cancer, such as colon cancer. Comprehensive examinations help to diagnose the patient's condition, early detection of diseases as they occur, and prevent complications from the disease, so you must be prepared with these examinations.

To avoid diseases and obesity, you must follow a healthy diet and eat more vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants and vital vitamins, and it is better to reduce sugar, salt, and soft drinks. Maintaining activity is an important piece of advice to maintain your health, so you should exercise
a week fromat least 3 to 4 times a week and walk daily for half an hour to be able to maintain your body energy and your daily activity.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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