Waking up is hard. Not many people like doing it, and sometimes it feels like it is going against what your body should be doing. There are times when the alarm goes off, and you just want five more minutes of sleep, or an hour if you are not careful. There are many other things that people do not like doing, but there is just one on which this paper will focus.
Writing essays is not an option most people would choose if they could do anything for an hour. They would prefer something more, shall we say, enjoyable and easy. Instead, they would do something better with their precious time than sit down at a computer or notepad writing their thoughts about the world. They would rather be reading, eating, or, better yet, sleeping.
Sleeping may be easy, but waking up is a whole different story. It can take several alarms to wake some people up in the morning. Writing essays is like getting up in the morning. Some people are naturally good at it and like it. In contrast, others need multiple reminders and a push in the right direction to get going.
Writing and waking up are much more similar than you might first think. Not many people like doing either one unless they have to. Even then, they are reluctant to do so. Writing can be fun if you enjoy your topic, just as it can be easy to wake up on Christmas or your birthday. These things are only hard if you make them hard because you don’t enjoy them.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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