Charles V uses theused wealth by taking in on an epic series of religious wars, pitting against Muslims and Protestants. And, and he can continue to defend Catholicism. This event had an impact on other European countries, and the Spaniards began to force indigenous peoples and African slaves to mine more gold and silver. Catholics began to force people to become Catholics. Capitalism hashad also begun to rise in European countries.

Charles V's son
, Philip V, dealt with the conflict between gods in the new world, particularly in Potosi, he. He decided to go with godGod was on his side. He believes that God gave him the silver that was on the mountain and decided to use it to crush the Protestants.

Races affected the Spanish ruled territory, so they created a new world castle system. Race impacted the
Spanish-ruleSpanish-ruled territories by thebecause ranking was based on how much “Spanish” one was. On top of the list were the pure-blooded Spaniards. Then, below them were the castizasCastizas, who arewere people that had one mestizoMestizo parent and one Spanish parent. After that came the Mestizas. Therefore, men and women of mixed race are seen as below. DetermineDetermining how high you arewere listed, it affected whether you could be a priest, whether you could enter the university, whether you could enter religious guilds, and whether you could enter certain religious orders.

The Spanish conquest affected the
new worldNew World environment and brought diseases such as smallpox, whooping cough, and measles. The New World hashad never had these diseases before. By them, bring disease isbringing these diseases, the population of the New World destroy itwas destroyed. Europe soon adopted some of the new products that appeared in the new world, such as crops such aslike corn, potatoes, and tomatoes.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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