It started on February 8 2021 when I woke up and looklooked around. I went to sleep with no shirt on, so I woke up with no shirt on. I had no shirt on, so I was cold. I covered myself with a cover and felt the warmth in the sheets. Frozen for 5 minutes iI took my clothes, went into my bathroom and turntturned on the shower on. I finishfinished by undressing and getting in the shower. Ten minutes later my mom came and knockknocked on my bathroom door and told me to hurry up so we don'twouldn't be late. I turnturned off my shower and dry, dried off toand put my clothes on. After I put my clothes on i brushI brushed my teeth, making thethem look nice and white. Five minutes later iI put on my shoes on and we left the house. I arrived at my school to get pickpicked up by my teacher. To tell you the truth, my morning was boardingboring and I went to school.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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