Bathrooms can be an unsafe conditionlocation for someone to fall, this in. This is what could be done to reduce falls,: having a mat on the floor in front of the shower to put your feet on when you get out of the shower, a grab barsbar for the bathtub, a non-slip mat in the bathtub, and a shower curtain inside the bathtub for noto avoid spilling on the floor.

Kitchens can
also be an unsafe conditionlocation for someone to fall, this in. This is what can be done to reduce falls,: if you are not tall enough, place kitchen supplies in a lower cabinet, when you mop the floor make sure lettingyou let everyone in the household know that the floor is wet, wipe up any spills right away, and if you cannot reach a supply make sure the stool or chair you are using is stable and strong enough to hold you.

Carpet stairs can be
an unsafe condition for someone to fall, thistoo. This is what could be done to reduce falls: do not wear socks down the stairs or wear non slippery socks, hold the stairsstairs' handrail when you are walking up or down the stairs, do not rush down or up the stairs, and do not wear socks on the carpet.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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