From what I remember, it was a horrible time. I was scared of every lunch break during school time. While the other boys were bored and waiting to go out and play their silly games, I preferred stayingto stay in the classroom. It was the only time I wasn't teased for my poor appearance and especially for my ripped cross sporting shoes. One day I got tired of it and decided to throw them in the bin next to the teacher's stairs. I snuck into class hoping no one was lookingwould look at my feet, and I sat down for the first hour with a good feeling in mind. And then, suddenly, the teacher hitshit me on my foot. I was confused until I remembered that I wasn't wearing my old, worn-out shoes. The teacher taught me a lesson and said: "IYou should always come to school in myyour shoes"." He only understood the reason I wasn't wearing them when all the students started laughing at me the very second I put them back on. He then hit the Tabletable and explained to the kids that itnot having new shoes wasn't my fault for not having shoes. Comparing me to the lordLord, as he didn't have shoes either, he made me feel like the boys were wrong for bullying me. I was very proud of my teacher because now II then felt a lot more confident and was assured that the boys would never complaintease me about my clothes again.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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