Hello & Happy Thanksgiving!
My name is Ann Reynolds,
and my is fiancefiancé is Jason Haber, we. We live in Vegas. He went to TX to visit, and he was arrested on 10.8 & put in Walker County Jail. His bail is $14,000 cause he's out of state, and bail companies want 50% of that. There's no way I can pay that. Since he's been gone, my health got bad. I have lupus, and I've lost a lot of weight,. I was 105lb and went to 8080lb. I struggle caring for myself, and some days can't get out of bed. I just got evicted, and I have til Dec. 31 to figure out where to go. I don't have friends/family that's able to help. I applied for aid but was turned down. It's Thanksgiving. I'm all alone. He's a kind, caring, helpful, and giving person with a great heart! He'sHe struggles with the past and things that have hurt him, like a lot of us. He makes bad choices & mistakes, not thinking things through at times. But I truly, think the time he's spent there has made him grow up, think and analizeanalyze all the choices, mistakes and things he's done. I think it has really opened his eyes. Please advise me of a more cost effectivecost-effective solution to get him released soon.
Thank you for your time!

Ann Reynolds

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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