televisionTelevision always had a meaningful role in cultures of many societies, and it still has a great impact. inIn my opinion, it strongly influences cultural development in aspects that are both positive and negative.

toTo begin with, television is an excellent source of entertainment. thisThis fact is so obvious that it can never be denied. televisionTelevision is one of the major sources of its invention. thereThere are so many things that the TV encompasses. thereThere are movies, music channels, cartoons and every other kind of dance, and music shows. apartApart from this, news channels also do contain much entertaining stuff every now and then.
inIn addition, it's also a source of inspiration. aA number of TV shows and documentaries that are put up over the television can have a quantity of positive effects on the children as well as the youth today. watchingWatching people succeeding insucceed, their morale can be boosted and it can therefore work as a greargreat source of inspiration for the young generationyounger generations.

onOn the other hand, watching television iscan be viewed a wastagewaste of time. TV is surely a great source of knowledge, but many people tend to waste a lot of time over the television that they miss out on other important stuff. TV, when not used in a controlled manner, can be the greatest time wastertime-waster of all time.
furthermoreFurthermore, the radiationsradiation that the TV throws out is harmful for the eyes and cause hedeachescauses headaches.

toTo put it all together, for better or for worse, television is a big influence on how we think, what we say and how we view ourselves. it'sIt's important technology for every peopleperson today. because it provides much information that really improves our knowledge. butBut we must manage our time when it comes to watchwatching TV and rationally schedule out the timing for TVour TV-watching time.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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