Dear Ms. Lee,
Thank you for your email.

I will coordinate with the Web development company to have a recruitment page added to our website, once this is done (hopefully by early next week), I will update it with the current vacancy.

With regards to LinkedIn, I can make a post similar to what we
had donedid a while ago for the KS 2 teachers vacancy and post it on our page. If you would like to advertise the vacancy under the 'Jobs' section on LinkedIn, it would cost us 3$ per day, let. Let me know if this interests you, and I can oblige.
, I do not have any new photos of the school, as this needs to be done by a professional photographer. but nonethelessNonetheless, it's part of my marketing budget, which is under review.
I can use a better existing image to create a page banner with the provided specification.

From the attached list
, I can create the following:
1. Brochure (content under review by Ms. Lisa)

2. Vision statement
3. Mission statement
4. Letter from Principal
I can share these with you by Sunday.

We do not have a YouTube page yet
, but we are aiming at creating one soon, starting with the national day video.
Please let me know if there is anything in addition to the above that you would need from me.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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