Hi, my 26 year old girlfriend have 3 myomas, one is 11cm, the other is 7 cm, and the other 4 cm. They are out of the uterus and not inside or in the middle,; I think that's called Subseroussubserous myomas. She havehas an appointment in somea few months, for a surgery I guess, conservative surgery, she's 26 years old. I think it will be miomectomia surgery. There are other options in the market, however, this one is covered by Social Security in ana hospital that doesn't have a lot of good ratings or comments,. so I wonderam wondering if we have to look for other options, like quitting her myomas with some new techniques likesuch as denying blood to the myomas so they enter a necrosis status in which they are "dying" through the months... (I think this one can give us infectionsinfection problems) or radiofrequency... Should we try to find a Ginecologistgynaecologist and pay him for the surgery? OrIf we can proceed safely with the one provided on Social Security, I'm afraid that someone new practice withpractises on her and make her something bad might happen. I would love some recommendations.

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