-My partner was going to fetch me from the work, when his mother called him on phone because she felt ill.
- My co-worker and I fetched a pair of coffees for our fellows
, before attending to the conference.
- My son arrived
at home in all his muddy clothes, after playing football with his friend in theat school.
LasLast night, my boyfriend was driving as he was drunkdrunk driving, when he collided againstabruptly drove in to a lamppost abruptly.
- All lampposts
ofin the street have got some damage because of the earthquateearthquake.
- Love arose between the friends.
- The idea arose when we were talking about leaving the city and
traveltravelling to a random place.
- My teacher arose from her seat and led
us to the toilet.
- My grandmother likes to breed hens and cows in our village.
- Our dogs have bred a litter for
the first time.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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