Mars or the red planet is one of the planets of the solar system,. Mars is the fourth planet in terms of distance from the sun, Marsand it is the most similar planet to Earth.

The temperature of Mars that has been recorded is -63
° C (-81 ° F), and its maximum is up to 20 ° C (68 ° F), and the minimum is -140 ° C (-220 ° F). The planet Mars is the seventh in terms of size, as the planet Mars is small in size.

The surface of Mars is made of basalt and theodolite, which is similar to the rocks of andesites on Earth
,. Mars revolves around the sun in an orbit away from it at a rate of about 228 million km, which is 1.5 times the distance between the Earth's orbit and the sun, and Mars has two moons,. Phobos moon is Thethe largest and is before Mars, and the moon of Demos is the moon's smallest and farthest from Mars.

Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system and it is the seventh planet in terms of size, and Mars contains two moons, which are similar to Earth, and it is expected that there will be life on Mars.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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