The 19th century was known as the “era of mass media”media. Many magazines were printed and the newspaper, newspapers began to grow and the way howthat books were printed inon a paper pass to be something newprinting press was revolutionary. Images were printed in newspaper, books, and magazines, using many processes. Cyanotype; cyanotype, Anthotype processanthotype, waxed calotype negative, salted paper print, etc…etc. Photography can be seen as an art or a process, of capturing light with a camera. It hasThere are many techniques and it can be a simple process or it can take much time to do ita complex, time-consuming process.

For me, photography has always been my passion and my hobby. Since I was very little
, I used towould take photos in my free time, make up a scene, and sometimes even take self-portraits. One day, I asked myself what it was it like in the old days? How were these photos taken if the technology was not as advanced as it is now andnow? And the interesting thing is how photography has changed during thisevolved in the last couple of years.

Tintype is a photographic process using a positive sheet of metal coated with enamel. It was a process that appeared in the 1850s in America
, but started to be popular in the ’70s, mostly in Britain. This process is similar to the wet plate photography in the way how, as it was a variation of collodion positive. There was a thin iron where the negative image was produced and it was coated with collodion emulsion, and by using a dark background gave the image the appearance of a positive. This process was workingused in some booths orand in the open air at many events, such as fairs, and it was so easy that the person could takehave the photo a few minutes after they took the photograph since it didn’t use tin and didn’t need to get dry.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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