When I was in my junior year, engineering economics was my subject of interest. butBut, it also was a difficult one. It took all my attention and concentrationsconcentration. I was good enough in it that I taught this subject to my friends but unfortunately. Unfortunately, I got the lowest GPA in my friend's group.
I had five days gap for economics exam preparation. I really worked hard day and night and put
my all my efforts to cover the entire syllabus without realizing the paper pattern and important questions. This mismanagement drives to confusion and loss of concentration while solving the question paper and my mind blown away because I was feeling blank. Due to this blunder, I experienced the worst heartache and discouragement as I was very satisfied with my preparation. But, this failure taught me valuable lessons that I still carry with me both personally, and professionally.
A person can face a big mishap on both personal and professional
levellevels due to mismanagement and inefficiency. Now, onwards, I try to keep things more managed and organized.
Personally, I would say failures are not itself failures
, but they are good teachers.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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