I think part of beingbecoming a perfect school is fixing the food issue here. The food they serve is not good at all which makes, making it to whereso that kids dontdon't even eat lunch anymore. This can affect a lot of kids because it can makecause them to be angry orand hungry and thatsthat's not the type of learning enviromentenvironment kids and teachers want to learn or teach in. So, by far, the food issue has been one of my least favorite things about school. WheneverWhen I used to livelived in Nebraska, theymy school actually had different places in the cafeteria that had food like Pizzapizza, chineseChinese, mexicanMexican, or just hamburgers and pb&j’s ifpb&js. If we could just start doing that here, then I would appriciateappreciate school moremuch more. I also think it would be better for us kids to have fridaysFridays off because I feel as if we dontdon't get long enough breaks to catch up on homework and to see our familysfamilies because some of us have jobs as well theythat we have to go to as well. Also, the weekend goesweekends go by really fast as well.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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