This scholarship has an important role in my personal and professional life. Studying in Sheffield will maximize my college experience through service-learning, participating in extra-curricular activities, volunteer opportunities, and an internship that would help me to engage in the community and to increase my social relationships,. I will benefit from an international learning environment that will facilitate my understanding of other cultures, and being open-minded tohave open-mindedness toward new clutterscultures through knowledge and experience sharing, and be an active member within the student association withinat the university.
Earning a prestigious scholarship like Sheffield can
actually not only cover the finances of my master's study, but also will affect my future career more positively. Being Sheffield a alumnialumnus will strengthstrengthen my curriculum vitavitae and impress employers who know how much competitivecompetition there is for a Sheffield scholarship,. They will recognize how muchlikely I am Ia suitable job candidate.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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