To comprehend the effectiveness of the strategies used by Pizza Hut, we will analyse them using some scholarly theories of motivation. The hierarchy of needs was coined by the psychologist Abraham Maslow in the year 1954 in his book ‘MotivationMotivation and Personality’Personality, where he elucidated that how people contented their personal needs. Gawel(Gawel, J. (1997)1997). Maslow wanted to know what motivates the individuals. According to him, people own a set of motivation systems unassociated towith rewards or unintentional desires. He enunciated that people are motivated to attain certain needs. When they are able to attain one need, they start striving for the next one and it keeps on going. Fundamentally, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs encompasses hierarchical levels in a five-tier pyramid shapedpyramid-shaped model of human needs. The lowest level of the pyramid comprise ofcomprises the most basic needs, while at the top of the pyramid the most complex needs are allocated. The model is divided into deficiency and growth needs. The initial four levels are recognized as deficiency needs (d-needs) and the topmost level is well-known as growth or basic needs (b-needs). An individual must satisfy the basic needs before proceeding on to fulfill the higher levelhigher-level needs.

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