Ruth Pizarro


Monique Selden

Assignment #3

In chapter
thirteenththirteen and fourteenthfourteen of the text, we learned onof the development emerging in young adulthood. Chapter 13 focused on transitionthe transition from adolescence to adulthood. We looked at the characterizecharacteristic cognitive and physical change in early adulthood. This chapter explains the roles of experiences of culture, and gender have in adult moral development. In chapterChapter 14, it focused on describedescribing identity development and the relationship with parents in emerging adulthood. We looked at theoretical ptyPTY development and identified key aspect of intimate relationshiprelationships and love. Our class learned about parenthood and the pressure inof dual income families.

After reading both chapter 13 and 14 of the textbook and discussing them in class
., I am understandingnow understand every change that I faced in my life during this stage. Now, I can see that this process kept me unstable in my relationshiprelationships because I had no knowledge about it, and this did not allowpreventing me to centralizefrom centralizing to create a healthy relationship. However, I understand that in this period of my life; I did not have the maturity to decide, and I was only living to explore what suited me. Now, I have the maturity and knowledge to face my life and to guide me in the best way to feel satisfied and productive, where in the end I get success.


1. How can I guide people at this stage to break the cycle where there are many single mothers
, and every day the divorce rate increases?

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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