What comes to your mind first when you think of summer holidays.holidays? For mostmany of us, holidays are a time to relax on thein a hot countriescountry and swim in the sea. How itWhat really happens?
It was five months ago
. Two week , two weeks before holydayholiday, I got towas in the hospital,I had ahaving surgery. It was horrible! I dreamed of going to the BrassiliaBrasilia with my uncle Andrew, but the doctor anyand my parents said that I havehad to stay inat home,beacue because I could catch a disease in an exotic country I can catch disese.
I was
reealyreally miserable. To my mind, holiday must be extremelyextreme and erieeunusual. At the beggingbeginning of my ,,happy” holydayholiday, I was reading bookbooks and was going for walks in my backyard all the time. At the beginning of July, I decided that I just can’t wascouldn’t be alone at home anymore. I called to my friends and I invited them to my home. When my friends visited me, they waswere really happy. They haven’thadn’t seen me since I came tohad been in the hospital. This day was special, we. We played on PlayStation and listened to music. Then I understood that thea holiday at home can be successful. After that day, I was thinking ,,What could be better than a great staycation.staycation?"
, if I had to choose, I would spend my vacations otherwise. I would be happy to visit an exotic countriescountry, but I would also like to spend it with my friends at home.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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