He had failed on his promises to come and take it for 6six months, he. He eventually sent one of his apprentices, came to comewho came and taketook it away with a wheel barrow the following month, after much pressure from my wife.
sinceFrom July 2018 till the present, he has refused to pickanswer any of our calls or respondedrespond to any of our texts. More than often timea few times, my wife had sent texts to his wife (Mrs. Ezenwa Genevieve - the account holder will paidpay money into the account for the purchasedpurchase of the machine), but towhen they replied thatto those texts, they said they were sorry without giving any specific day of refundingfor offering a refund or bringbringing in a new one.

What I need from you (LASPCO) is that
, iI have overstayedspent way too much time on this issue. I want my money refundrefunded with damageddamages because and stressedof the stress he has caused me, especially to my wife.
I would appreciate
ifit if my right isrights are established. I await for your further question(s) and respondresponse.

Thank you

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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