Donatello was one of the greatest sculpturessculptors the world has ever seen. heHe was born in the great city of Florence in 1836. heHe left a great mark on the renaissanceRenaissance and on the future of itself. The backdrop of DonatelloDonatello's rise to fame was the beautiful city of FlorenceWhichFlorence which was believed to be the center of the Renaissance. Donatello first worked in a goldsmith shop Towith the famous sculptor Lorenzo berbti ThatBerbati who he learned a valuable skills from. Donatello found a friend in the form of cosimoCosimo de Medici and with the help of the money from the Medici family, Donatello started his career and began his rise to fame they both shared a fascination for ancient history. One of Donatello‘s most famous pieces of art. Created, David, was created in 1430 Davidand is one of the most important sculptures in the early renaissance inRenaissance. In fact this was the first freestanding ScaptureSculpture in a long time, Unlikeunlike other artistartists in the middle ageMiddle Ages who only focused on the gold. Donetllo looklooked back at Greek and Roman art Donatelloand mirrors their idea for love and respect of the human body through the sculpture. The sculpture is made of bronze and the and shows the truth under dogs as they say DavidDavid's victory over the giant Goliath. thisThis work of art features David with aan enchanting smile Asas he stands with his foot over the Goliath in his right hand, he holds the sword that Goliath used to battle David. The choice of bronze, The nudeidienudity, and the pose makes this work of are even more Antique. Donatello softened static balance and the traditional poems of a male figure as he stands Onon Goliaths hadhead, the art has a bit of death to it.

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