Radical Divergent Thinking aims to break your habitual way of thinking and doing, through the awareness of your patterns as a person and group,. and afterwardAfterward comes the doing:; the experience of brakebreaking down your habits.
To crush your habitual way of thinking is possible only when you look for real change when you are engaged
, and when you let go. When you do so, you open up the discovery and innovation area.
3D thinking and doing is a process and method that
enableenables new ways of the development ofdeveloping yourself, the team you are part of, and your organization.

After the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method training
, I realized some points that I would like to share and let you reflect upon as well.

In a 3D workshop
, the facilitator and designer of the day, don’t take the position of the top consultant or absolute expert in the room. The facilitation process takes place with listening, feeling the dynamics, challengechallenging people, to empower them to own what they are doing. This presence in the room is different from a 2D workshop where the facilitator help onhelps with writing, sketching… and sketching. With post-itsPost-Its or visual concepts, the facilitator has a significant impact both physically and in termterms of tangible results. In the 3D context, this presence disappears to leave to people and the group to figure out what works for them. Of course, this is not a smooth and fast process, but isit is much more potent because the ownership of the content is not in the hands of the facilitator.
dovery much like a lot this guiding principle. as I believe the individual and the group need to find their way to try, change, adjust, get things done. The expertise of the facilitator in the room liesrelies more on the ability to enable others to come across problems and challenges.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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