Have you ever imagined what it would be like not to be able to breathe in the fresh outside air? Toair, to never have stepped foot into the oceaan? Unfortunaly thatsocean? Unfortunately, that's the life of maddeline whittierMaddeline Whittier from the book everything everything'Everything Everything'.

Maddy suffers from
scidSCRID, severe combined immuno difficiency syndromsyndrome. Also known as "the bubble boy disease". Therefore, maddy hasntMaddy hasn't left her house for almost her whole life and the only humans she has interactions with are her momMom and her caretaker Carla. For maddyMaddy, every day seems the same, until one day when someone moves in next door and maddyMaddy meets the mysterious, adorable, whimsy boy, Olly.
He changes her perspective on everything, everything!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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