Driving is a very helpful for people in all countries. driving makesDriving helps people get to the destinationtheir destinations easily. In the past, women in all countries cancould drive expectaccept Saudi women, but in 10-10-1437h. But on 24 June 2018, the government allowedbegan allowing women to drive after all of the demanding witch isdemand, which was a big transformation for Saudi women. In this essay I will discuss the effects of women driving in Saudi Arabia, which is contained aare both good effects and bad effecteffects. theThe good effectseffect is that driving makemakes it easy for women to do their work alsoand it is also good for the economiceconomy of the city. The bad effect for women driving is the growing traffic jamjams.

The first positive effect is that women can
dogo to their jobjobs by themselves, with no need of anyone to ridedrive them.previously Previously, women had to deal with a driver to get to the work and it iswas expensive for women. forFor example, my friend Reem goes from her home to the collagecollege and it costcosted her 800 RS for a month. Now, women can godrive anywhere they want with no need of anyoneto pay anyone else. The second positive effect is that women driving raiseraises the economiceconomy of the country, it raise the economic by getting the licenseissuing licenses, buying the cars, and by fulling the carfilling cars with the gas. If women want to get thetheir license, they have to baypay 2500, and if they fail in the driving exam, they have to buypay double the price to take it again, which is 5000. AllowsAllowing women drivingto drive is a good way to raise the economiceconomy of the city. Women driving is beneficial for both women and the country.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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