I had all night long to think, and I know anything I decide is not gonna b okbe okay with someone. I can't please everyone. And tbhto be honest, right now, all iI want is my family and my life back. However, that's not an option because iI can't change with whowhom or where uyou want to be. And its took has taken me quite a long time and going through a lot of things alone to csee that, although I don't want to give up on us completely and have tried my best to hang on to a little bit of hope that uyou would come back that, in all actuality that is my only option. It would bbe the best thing for everyone involved. CuzBecause what's best for the kids, is for me to be there for them and be the best mom I can be. The only way I no forknow that tocan happen, is for all of my time and energy bebeing put into the people that love me and have been there for me without faulterfalter. The kids are, without question, the only ones who have been there through thick and thin and love me still as much if not more than before. So whatever decisions I make from here on out will bbe what's best for the kids and I. Without questions or concern for anyone elseselse's opinion, unless it is detrimental to the situation at hand.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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