The term soundbite was coined during the presidency of Richard Nixon, in the year 1968. soundbites for sureSoundbites are extractions of audio from a speech. thereThey're often used in presidency therepresidential speeches. There can be both positive and negative messages delivered through the use of the extracted audio. theseThese little snippets of speechspeeches have been shrinking in length, and this is considered to be both a blessing and a curse. theThe link of soundbites has been shortened so much so, that a linear graph would predictpredict that the average link towill eventually go down to .5.4 seconds. long theThe length of the soundbites during the presidential campaigns have been decreased by 34 seconds, between the years of 1968 and 1988. inIn modern times after Thesince, the average linkslength of a soundbite is approximately nine9 seconds long. thisThis creates the issue that there seems not to be not enough information being given to people, making it even harder for people to makedevelop informed opinions or stances on thea given topic.

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